Birth, Prenatal / Postpartum Midwifery Services and Placenta Encapsulation


My Journey

Melinda Knatterud, TM

The path that brought me to midwifery started during my first pregnancy and birth experience. I planned a hospital birth with nurse-midwives and was able to give birth without intervention, an experience that opened my eyes to the incredible birth process.

After two more unmedicated hospital births, I was ready to have a homebirth with my fourth pregnancy. I sought out a local midwife, Jeanne Bazille, and had a beautiful home water birth and knew that home birth is what I wanted to do for life.

During one of my postpartum visits, I asked Jeanne what I should do to become a midwife. She recommended training and attending births as a doula. I completed doula training in 2017 and spent the next year attending births in that capacity until I gave birth to my fifth child in 2018.

Although I planned a home birth, I chose to transfer to the hospital for an epidural due to lack of progress and significant pain in my back that was different from my other labors. My daughter ended up being born with a face presentation (her nose was born first!), which explained why my labor felt so different.

After recovering from her birth, I attended a few births as a doula before enrolling in midwifery school in 2020 and starting my apprenticeship in January 2021. I graduated in 2023 with an Associate of Science in Midwifery from the National College of Midwifery, and am in the process of becoming certified. During my schooling, I also participated in a Breech Birth Training program with Breech Without Borders, and I have developed a passion for vaginal breech birth.

The best part about working with families is helping women discover how powerful they really are and helping families feel empowered to take responsibility for their birth choices.

My Philosophy

Many women enter pregnancy with fears and worries about what birth will be like, and most people believe birth to be a painful ordeal. I believe that women are made to give birth, and that natural birth is normal birth. I also believe that birth doesn't have to involve suffering, but that it can be an empowering, redeeming experience. In the process of giving birth, women find that their bodies are not only able to grow a beautiful human being, but also to bring it safely and peacefully into the world.



Birth Attendance

**Experience the reassurance and expertise of dedicated birth attendance, ensuring a safe and supportive journey into parenthood.

Prenatal and Postpartum Care

**Receive comprehensive support and nurturing care throughout your pregnancy and beyond with our holistic prenatal and postpartum services.

Placenta Encapsulation

**Unlock the potential of nature's nourishment with Placenta Encapsulation, a holistic solution for postpartum wellness and rejuvenation.


I had literally no idea what to expect [during birth], nor whether or not my preparations would serve me as I'd hoped. However, what I did have a ton of confidence it was Melinda. I knew her presence would be soothing, motivating, and provide knowledge outside of my reach. And I was right! I'm so grateful for her effort and happy she was a part of our son's birth.

— Laura Otten, doula client

We were so lucky to have the support of an outstanding doula...anyone would be lucky to have Melinda support their birth.

— Emily Schlimme, doula client

This was a challenging labor and Melinda never exhibited flagging interest in helping the birthing mama. She showed remarkable tenacity and patience.

— Jessica DeFilippo, CPM

It was great having Melinda in the room! It was a long night, and I never felt her waver or give up. The laboring mom wasn't completely open to suggestions, but Melinda persisted when needed in a way that didn't feel like she was pushing too hard. Melinda worked very well with everyone in the room and was a great resource!

— Taylor Tyllia, midwife assistant
